
Important information about cable TV changes during week 14/2025

Due to the national HD migration, Yle’s SD channels will be removed from Telia cable TV distribution on 31 March 2025. After that, Yle channels can only be viewed in HD quality and an HD-capable TV or set-top box is needed for that. The change applies to all cable TV and terrestrial antenna households.

In the next phase, the HD transition will also expand to other Finnish TV channels, on 30 June 2025

How to check the HD capability?

  • In cable TV households, the HD versions of the basic channels will be visible on positions 1–20 in the channel list
  • If the channels on your TV are numbered starting at position 21, you will need a new, HD-capable TV or set-top box to view Yle channels.

Changes in the cable TV network on 1–4 April 2025 – if necessary, re-scan the channels

  • Due to the changes, TV broadcasts may be interrupted between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on those days.
  • Most TVs and set-top boxes will automatically update themselves to adapt to the changes.
  • However, if your TV receiver does not automatically find the channels, perform a factory reset and a manual channel search. Refer to the device’s user manual for additional instructions.

Note: If you have scheduled recurring recordings of TV programmes, you must program them again after the channel search. However, programmes you have already recorded will remain on the hard disk of the TV set or set-top box.

Further information:

If your residents need technical support with factory resets and channel search, Helppi can help on 0600 10 100 (€2.53/call + €2.53/commencing minute + mcc/lnc). Helppi is at your service on business days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

Telia’s bulletin (pdf)

Office opening hours will change in March 2025

Office opening hours from March 1st 2025:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

  • Customer service and housing from 9 am to 3 pm
  • Rent Supervision from 9 am to 12 noon

The office doors are closed at other times.

The switchboard is open tel. +358 15 321 350:

  • Mon–Thu 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Fri (and on the eve of public holidays):  9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The staff of Mikalo Oy can best be reached via email and phone. See up-to-date contact information on our website:

Thank you for your understanding – our goal is to serve you even better and more swiftly!

Mikalo Oy

Recommended Indoor Temperatures

The temperatures in the apartments raise many inquiries every year. We often receive questions from residents who feel that the temperature in their apartment is too low. We would like to remind everyone that, however, the apartment temperatures are generally in line with the recommended guidelines.


Indoor Temperatures

Our property maintenance team regularly monitors the heating systems throughout the year. The heating system turns on automatically without needing manual adjustments.

Recommended Indoor Temperatures (according to Motiva)

  • Living areas: 20–21 ºC
  • Bedrooms: 18–20 ºC
  • Stairwells: 17–18 ºC
  • Storage rooms: 12 ºC
  • Garages: 5 ºC

We recommend a home temperature of around 21 ºC. If the temperature is over 23–24 ºC, it is too high and may cause unnecessary costs.

What to Do If Your Apartment Feels Cold?

  1. Check the thermostats: Turn them fully open and adjust if needed. Moving the thermostat prevents it from getting stuck.
  2. Remove obstacles: Curtains or furniture may block the heat from spreading.
  3. Check ventilation valves: Do not close them completely. They should always be at least at the lowest setting.
  4. Check window and door seals: Leaky seals can cause drafts.
  5. Measure temperature correctly: Measure in the middle of the room, about one meter from the floor. Do not measure near windows or outside walls.

If the temperature is still too low, contact property maintenance.

Why Do Radiators Feel Cold?

Radiators are not always hot, even when it’s cold outside. Thermostats regulate water flow, so if the room has the right temperature, the radiator may feel cool. Your hand temperature is about 32–35 ºC, so even a 30 ºC radiator may feel cold. The room temperature is what matters, not the radiator’s temperature.

Radiator Air Removal

If the radiator makes a bubbling sound or heats unevenly, there may be air inside. Residents should not remove air themselves. Property maintenance will do it and check the heating system pressure at the same time.

Floor Heating

Floor heating runs at a lower temperature than radiators. For electric floor heating: Check the thermostat, fuses, and safety switch. For water-based floor heating: Issues may be caused by valve problems or air in the system.

What Does Property Maintenance Do?

If you report that your apartment feels cold, property maintenance will:

  1. Measure the temperature.
  2. Check the radiator valves and thermostats.
  3. Remove air from radiators if needed.
  4. Check the ventilation system.

If no issues are found, they will check the building’s heating system to make sure the heat is being distributed properly.

Window Condensation

Condensation Between Windowpanes

If condensation appears between the glass layers, there may be a ventilation issue. Usually, this means that there is not enough exhaust air, causing moisture to collect inside the window structure.

Possible solutions:

  • If your apartment has a ventilation system, increase the power.
  • Check that window ventilation holes are open and that the seals are in good condition.
  • If the condensation continues, contact property maintenance.

Condensation on the Outside of Windows

Energy-efficient windows may have condensation on the outside surface when humid air meets the cold glass. This is normal and not a defect.

Condensation on the Inside of Windows

In cold weather, high indoor humidity can cause condensation on the inside of windows.

  • Short-term condensation (e.g., after a shower or cooking) is normal.
  • If condensation lasts for days without a clear reason, contact property maintenance.

Notice Regarding the Use of the Laundry Room

We would like to inform of a change regarding the use of the laundry room: washing and drying rugs is no longer allowed in the building’s laundry facilities. The washing machines in the laundry rooms are designed for washing clothes, linens, and towels. Using them for other purposes causes significant problems because:

  • The weight and water absorption of rugs put stress on the machines and can cause damage.
  • Wet rugs in the drying room dry slowly, take up space, cause unpleasant odors, and leaking water can damage the floors.
  • Washing rugs on the laundry room floor is neither hygienic nor safe.

For washing rugs, we recommend using dedicated rug cleaning services and places.

This change ensures that laundry services remain functional for all residents. Updated laundry room guidelines are attached to this notice and will be posted on the laundry room walls soon.

Thank you for your cooperation, and have a great start to the year!

Ystävällisin terveisin,

Tero Tuhkanen
Service Manager
+358 15 321 3573

PDF: Laundry room guidelines

Holiday Season Checklist

We’d like to remind you of a few practical matters to ensure a smooth holiday season:

Cooking Fat from Christmas Ham: Reuse it in cooking, dispose of it as waste, or compost it. Do not pour fat down the drain. Once solidified, fat can be placed in the bio-waste bin.

Gift Wrapping: Dispose of gift wrap in mixed waste. Remember to flatten cardboard boxes and place them in the cardboard recycling bins.

Christmas Trees: Christmas trees will be collected next to the waste enclosure during regular waste bin emptying schedules.

Saunas: Regularly check the condition of the sauna stones in your apartment’s sauna. If they need replacing, contact maintenance to request new stones. Shared saunas in residential buildings will be heated on Christmas Eve. Please check your building’s bulletin board for the specific schedule of your property’s Christmas sauna.

NOTICE! Exceptional Office Hours:

  • Christmas Week 52 (Dec 23–29): Closed
  • Tue, Dec 31, 2024: Open 9:00–13:00
  • Wed, Jan 1, 2025: Closed
  • Mon, Jan 6, 2025 (Epiphany): Closed

Please note: Property maintenance is on call during holidays for urgent cases.

Remember that Christmas holidays may also affect the opening hours of many businesses and services. Be sure to check and confirm their schedules directly.

Wishing you a wonderful and peaceful Christmas and New Year!

Opening hours during Holidays

Please note! Exceptional office opening hours during holidays:

  • During Christmas week, Dec 23 ­– 29 Closed
  • Tuesday, Dec 31, 9 am – 1 pm
  • Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025, Closed
  • Monday Jan 6, closed (Epiphany)

NOTE: Maintenance will be available during Christmas time for urgent cases.

Remember that Christmas holidays also affect the opening hours of many services and shops in Finland. Please check and ensure the opening hours and practices from each separately.

Wishing everyone a joyous and peaceful Christmas time!

Mikkelin opiskelija-asunnot Oy (MOAS) will merge into Mikalo Oy

Starting January 1, 2025, Mikkelin opiskelija-asunnot Oy (MOAS) will merge into Mikalo Oy. This change will not affect your housing, but please note the following updates regarding rent payments:

All rent payments will need to be made to Mikalo’s bank account. The payment forms for the year 2025 will be distributed to mailboxes starting Monday, December 9, 2024. Reference numbers will remain the same.

Mikalo’s bank accounts:

  • Nordea: FI31 2042 3800 0006 89 / NDEAFIHH
  • SSOP: FI11 5271 0420 0370 05 / OKOYFIHH
  • Danske: FI33 8000 1400 8210 14 / DABAFIHH

Additionally, please take the following steps if necessary:

  • Inform Kela and other relevant parties if they pay housing benefits directly to the landlord.
  • Update your e-payment agreement in your online banking service if you use it for rent payments.

If you have any questions, please contact our Rent Supervisor:
Marjut Rapo, tel. +358 15 321 3518, marjut.rapo(a)