
The staff of Mikalo Oy can best be reached via email and phone. You can contact property management, maintenance, and tenant selection through their direct phone numbers, which can be found using the search menu. (Page in Finnish. Search by street address)

Email addresses follow the format:

Mikalo’s switchboard: +358 15 321 350

Switchboard and office opening hours:
Mon–Thu: 9:00–15:00
Fri: 9:00–13:00
On the eve of public holidays: 9:00–13:00

NOTE! Office opening hours will change in March 2025

Office opening hours from March 2025:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

  • Customer service and housing from 9 am to 3 pm
  • Rent Supervision from 9 am to 12 noon

The office doors are closed at other times.

Maaherrankatu 44, 50100 Mikkeli

Office: Maaherrankatu 44, 50100 Mikkeli